procognitive LED lighting

The sun’s energy for work, health and vitality

We spend most of our time indoors, exposed to artificial light. However, we have been basking in sunlight since time immemorial and a sufficient supply of high quality light is crucial for our bodies.
Spectrasol brings a patented LED lighting solution that produces lighting closest to sunlight, 
benefiting our health, energy and vitality.

effects of procognitive light

Increased productivity, better sleep, improved mental well-being, eyesight and overall health

For reasons related to evolution, the human organism remains attuned to the natural alternation of light and dark. But we work harder and longer today, and most of the time we rely on artificial light. Unfortunately it is mostly harmful – to eyesight, cognition, sleep and health. On the contrary, Spectrasol full-spectrum lighting benefits the human body thanks to its similarity to sunlight, as proven by numerous studies and users themselves. See for yourself.

Spectrasol technology

We learn from the sun. Our light mimics the sun in its balanced spectral composition and effects

Spectrasol’s patented procognitive LED lighting comes closest to natural daylight of all the artificial light sources on the market. 
It brings the biological effects of natural daylight important for the body to the interiors of buildings, while at the same time providing superior visual comfort and energy efficiency.

applications / environment

Whenever you need to be focused, vigorous, cool

Schools and education


školy a vzdělávání

Work areas

OfficesPRODUCTION SPACES Meeting roomsLaboratories

Pracovní prostory

24/7 workplace

Dispatching rooms control centres control rooms


Medical offices Outpatient clinics nurse stations inpatient facilities


Security and defence

Police stations laboratories exposed workplaces


Phototherapy pavilion phototherapy case

Pro architekty 
a projektanty


For architects
and designers

Spectrasol in the media

česká televize logo idnes dvtv 1 logo nova logo streamcz logo cnnprima logo radiozurnal logo Dnes logo Infocz logo


News from the world of procognitive lighting

Light as a Topic of Debate in the Chamber of Deputies

Light as a Topic of Debate in the Chamber of Deputies

LIGHT HYGIENE AND ITS IMPACT ON MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH – this was the title of a seminar held at the Chamber of Deputies in mid-February 2025. For the first time, leading Czech experts – doctors, natural scientists, and technicians – had the opportunity to warn...

Více info
Týden Magazine: The Impact of Light on Mental Health

Týden Magazine: The Impact of Light on Mental Health

An extensive article on the topic of light has been published in the Týden magazine. The article highlights issues associated with improper artificial lighting, which disrupts people's natural needs and even negatively impacts children's mental health. During a...

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