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The Extension of the Senior Home in Sokolnice Is Now Complete

13.03.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Three new barrier-free and low-energy semi-detached houses have expanded the Home for the Elderly in Sokolnice. The extension in the chateau grounds of the home offers 48 places. The project cost the South Moravian Region 112 million CZK. The newly built houses were ceremoniously opened on Tuesday, February 28, 2023, by Governor Jan Grolich and councilors Jana Leitnerová and Vladimír Šmerda.

“Interestingly, biodynamic lighting has been installed in the houses for the first time in South Moravia. It resembles natural light and better corresponds to the biological needs of the human organism. This system has been shown to influence the production of the hormone melatonin, the so-called hormone of the night, which significantly affects the immune system, has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor effects, helps with sleep, and also improves cognitive abilities and reduces the risk of depression,” added Investment Councilor Vladimír Šmerda.

SOURCE: South Moravian Region

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