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In Pictures: The Company Oscars Awarded for the Eleventh Time

25.10.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

On the evening of Thursday, October 19th, the company Oscars were ceremoniously awarded for the eleventh time. The Český Goodwill award was given to 19 entrepreneurs and companies whom people respect. The gala evening, in the spirit of celebrating innovative and responsible business, was attended by nearly two hundred guests, mostly entrepreneurs from all over the Czech Republic.

In the Innovation category, the gold company Oscar went to Daniel Jesenský and Hynek Medřický for their start-up Spectrasol s.r.o., which develops biologically optimized procognitive LED lighting systems that mimic natural sunlight. The silver award was won by Pavel Hrstka for the company that developed non-staining clothing CityZen, and the bronze went to Eva Fruhwirtová for her brain gym Mozkoherna.

Link to the article here.

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