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Introducing a new innovation for schools: the Spectrasol SCHOOL INO luminaire

15.04.2024 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

The National Institute of Mental Health of the Czech Republic recently published a concerning report on the mental state of Czech students, which we shared on our LinkedIn with a comment about light. One of the key factors influencing both mental and physical health is the (in)sufficient exposure to natural light.

Schools are places where students and teachers spend a significant part of their day, which is why we at Spectrasol have focused on developing the new SCHOOL INO lighting fixture designed specifically for these spaces.

Are you still using fluorescent lights or standard LED lighting? These do not support mental or physical well-being. The human body needs as much natural light as possible.

The solution for enclosed classrooms and workspaces is pro-cognitive Spectrasol SCHOOL INO lighting, which has been proven to positively impact well-being, cognitive function, and users’ vision. It has been developed and validated as part of a grant project by the Central Bohemian Innovation Institute in collaboration with CTU at an elementary school for students with visual impairments.

And now, it is almost half the price of previously offered solutions. We provide free consultations and lighting design for your school.

Want to learn more and get a 20% discount on pre-orders until the end of May? Discover SCHOOL INO here.

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