
University of Economics in Prague

Quattro Modulare! High tech modular classroom at the University of Economics
Realization: 2024

Client: University of Economics in Prague
Field of activity: education

Description of the problem or challenge:

The University of Economics in Prague has decided to convert the original cafeteria into modern multifunctional classrooms. As part of the design of the smaller classrooms and the large Quattro Modulare modular classroom, the requirement was also to incorporate full-spectrum lighting, especially because the view from the windows is shielded by the surrounding buildings. At the same time, the client wanted to select lighting as close to natural light as possible and to control the intensity of the light according to the preferences of the teachers and the type of tuition.

The general contractor for the construction chose Spectrasol as the supplier.

So the aim was to create lighting…

  • …that will be most suitable for application in an environment where students and staff spend a lot of time;
  • …that is as close as possible to natural sunlight and thus has a positive effect on the body’s biorhythms;
  • …that is beneficial to the health of students and teachers;
  • …that will compensate for the shielding of the windows by the surrounding buildings;
  • …that will promote cognitive functions, alertness, concentration and create a quality learning environment for students and teachers.

Description of the solution, technology used:

  • Recessed Spectrasol IBP A 600×600 mm luminaires, with a direct beam of light
  • Lighting control – DALI

Key results:

  • Owing to the chosen standard type of luminaires, the installation was smooth and quick (it involved installing the panels into the raster acoustic soffits, which was planned already in the design documentation).
  • According to the teachers, the intensity and nature of the lighting evokes the feeling of natural daylight.
  • The installed procognitive luminaires, which mimic natural sunlight, have a positive effect on the circadian rhythms of the body. They promote alertness, concentration and attention in school and, above all, the health and mood of students and teachers.

Client statement:

“The classroom is primarily designed for professional programmes, for teaching interactive subjects and for executive education at the University of Economics. It will also be a modern and variable facility for various events such as hackathons and workshops. Modern technology, including full-spectrum lighting, is a natural choice for modern teaching”, explained Vice-Chancellor Doc. Ota NovotnÃœ, the initiator of the project that resulted in the creation of these premises.

Next steps:

The new modular classroom will be in trial operation this year and is expected to be fully operational from the summer term of 2025.

Press releases:

Illustration photo:

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