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A fireplace or our lights are good for your eyes – red light therapy.

17.08.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Spectrasol light sources have a number of unique properties. They feature the most balanced light spectrum with a positive impact on circadian rhythms and resulting cognitive performance, comparable to sunlight.

In addition, our lighting also includes photobiomodulation energy, similar to the sun. This energy directly affects the regeneration of the retina, as scientifically proven by many studies from around the world. These are wavelengths around 670 nm, also known as deep red light. It is also found in light radiation from fire.

In artificial light sources, it is also necessary to consider the other side of the spectrum, where blue color and wavelengths of 415-455 nm are found. Prolonged use of such artificial lighting can damage the retina. Some manufacturers of computer monitors try to suppress these wavelengths, and many people try to protect themselves from harmful blue light using filters in glasses. Spectrasol lights do not emit inappropriate concentrated energy in these wavelengths.

At a time when screens are increasing not only in workplaces and people are spending more time in front of them, eye care is very important. Thanks to the combination of regenerative red and suppression of harmful blue components, our light sources do not harm the eyes and instead regenerate them in real-time, just as it happens under the sun or, for example, when looking into a fire.

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