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Biologically Optimized Lighting in a Spa Hotel Helps Improve Sleep

20.07.2023 | 8 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Since July, biologically optimized lighting by Spectrasol has been available at the Nivamare hotel in Luhačovice. The hotel, in cooperation with us, has prepared a program of relaxation and wellness stays using phototherapy. The aim is to improve sleep and support regeneration and vitality, especially for visitors with demanding jobs. Along with this, they will learn the basic principles of light hygiene for their daily lives. The lighting is installed in several rooms as part of a pilot implementation, and expansion is already being considered based on client interest. Spectrasol lighting has numerous benefits; according to expert studies, it improves sleep, concentration, and productivity.

Rooms with biodynamic lighting

The Spectrasol lighting system, with the ability to specifically adjust lighting conditions for day, evening, and night, is installed in selected rooms. “I would recommend a stay in a room with biodynamic lighting to all people who have demanding jobs, are exposed to high stress, suffer from sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, and exhaustion. Among other things, it is certainly also for everyone who wants to work preventively on their health to avoid such conditions. During these stays, they can learn about proper sleep and light hygiene and gain enough energy for the coming days,” says Libuše Padevětová, Sales and Marketing Director of Royal Spa hotels, which includes the Nivamare spa hotel.

Phototherapy with intense light

“In the morning and during the day, the body is stimulated in the room and during phototherapy with intense light that mimics daylight. In the evening mode, the blue and azure spectral components of light are mainly reduced in the room’s lighting, just as it is with the setting sun. At night, only orange lighting that mimics fire is used in the rooms. These optimized lighting conditions synchronize the body’s time system and optimize hormonal functions, mainly the production of serotonin during the day and melatonin at night. This benefits night-time physical and mental regeneration and daytime vitality,” describes Spectrasol project manager Ondřej Kubíček.

Light against seasonal depression

“The Sleep Balance stay aims to improve sleep and overall health of the body while educating clients about light hygiene principles, which they can use in their daily lives to significantly improve their quality of life,” says Hynek Medřický, founder of Spectrasol. In addition to the evening and night stay in the rooms, clients will use a special phototherapeutic device during the day that helps treat affective disorders, such as seasonal depression. Everything takes place under the supervision of a therapist who, among other things, applies phototherapy with a special lamp from the TAČR project in collaboration with the National Institute of Mental Health and CTU. At the beginning of the stay, visitors undergo an initial medical examination and many other activities, such as suitable physical activities, aquafitness, and relaxation procedures with unlimited access to the wellness and sauna world, among others. “Additionally, during their stay, they will receive special red glasses to use in the evening before sleep, preparing their body for night-time mental and physical regeneration,” adds Hynek Medřický.

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