Light as a Topic of Debate in the Chamber of Deputies

Light as a Topic of Debate in the Chamber of Deputies

LIGHT HYGIENE AND ITS IMPACT ON MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH – this was the title of a seminar held at the Chamber of Deputies in mid-February 2025. For the first time, leading Czech experts – doctors, natural scientists, and technicians – had the opportunity to warn...
Success at the Enfortac trade fair

Success at the Enfortac trade fair

Ensuring security is one of the pressing issues of our time. People, institutions, and states are increasing security measures and seeking the best available solutions. At Spectrasol, we strive to contribute to these efforts as well. Thanks to our cooperation with the...
UCEEB Is Definitely Not the Blacksmith’s Horse

UCEEB Is Definitely Not the Blacksmith’s Horse

If there’s anywhere people truly think about the impact of buildings on people’s lives, it’s at the University Centre for Energy-Efficient Buildings (UCEEB) at the Czech Technical University (CTU). So, it’s no surprise that they decided to use our...

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