Light as the Key to Mental Illnesses

Light as the Key to Mental Illnesses

On the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic, disruption of circadian rhythms, and the rise in mental illnesses, Associate Professor MUDr. Martin Anders spoke in an excellent contribution at the November conference of the Czech Lighting Society. What is...
WELL points for Full-Spectrum Lighting

WELL points for Full-Spectrum Lighting

If you’re interested in the relationship between people’s health and the environment in which they live or work, you have probably already come across the international certification system WELL. It is a prestigious building certification focused on the...
Yellow is fine, but cyan is better

Yellow is fine, but cyan is better

Six years on the market – 2 international patents – hundreds of full-spectrum implementations in the public and private sectors. This is the Czech company Spectrasol. The company decided to complete the start-up phase with a rebranding. The author of the new visual...

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