Spectrasol procognitive lighting replicates the efficiency of natural sunlight at 94%
Compared to the biological efficiency of daylight on a sunny day (benchmark D55), the procognitive lighting replicated the efficiency of natural light at 94%, while the lighting in the control high school only achieved 53%. Standard LED sources on the market are up to 70%.
Studentsâ cognitive test scores grew and their year-on-year performance improved
On tests of sustained attention and short-term memory with words and pictures, students exposed to procognitive lighting performed 12-20% better than students exposed to conventional LED lighting. Their overall year-on-year performance has also improved significantly and late arrivals have decreased.
For students exposed to procognitive lighting, the scores are stable throughout the year, while elsewhere there are dips
In winter, the body feels the lack of daylight. However, procognitive lighting successfully counteracts this deficiency making the studentsâ performance (memory and cognitive tests) comparable in winter and summer.
Students exposed to pro-cognitive lighting had fewer late arrivals
This is also linked to generally better concentration and alertness in the morning hours and overall perception of learning.
Educators reported subjective improvement in vision and overall visual comfort
In particular, the older teachers were able to read smaller-font and more densely written texts comfortably under cognitive lighting. They also appreciated better text visibility on the board and less glare.
Energy savings
Despite the significant increase in luminance and light quality, the installation of the new lighting system has reduced the electricity consumption for lighting in the building by 15% year-on-year.