
Research conducted by a Slovak university showed the positive effect of full-spectrum lighting on students’ attention, logical thinking, problem solving and work rate. They did better in the entrance exams thanks to full-spectrum lighting.

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The Effect of Bio-Optimised Light In the School Environment on The Cognitive Functions of Pupils

Author: Martin Nosko Faculty of Psychology, Pan-European University Bratislava
Date: 25. May 2024
PDF: The Effect of Bio-Optimised Light In the School Environment on The Cognitive Functions of Pupils.PDF

Brief summary

The students in the experimental group, exposed to bio-optimized full-spectrum LED lighting in the classroom, showed significant improvements in three types of psychological tests focused on monitoring cognitive functions during the winter months, compared to the control group of students who spent the study period in standard school conditions with regular artificial lighting.

The quality of lighting in classrooms is an important factor in supporting students’ cognitive development and academic performance.

The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the seasonal differences between the groups tested and to highlight the importance of high quality, full-spectrum lighting that mimics the sun, especially in winter when natural sunlight is scarce. Students in the experimental group with full-spectrum lighting achieved up to 83% of the maximum test scores for attention, concentration and work rate in winter compared to less than 30% for the control group with normal lighting.

Students in the bio-optimised lighting class achieved above-average results in secondary school entrance exams

Most of the students in the experimental class, which worked under full-spectrum LED lighting for a year, passed the entrance exam for a bilingual high school, unlike the students in the other classes. The school’s headmaster confirmed that this was a unique achievement.

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