
Questions and answers

About light

What is the melanoscopic region?

What is the colour temperature of biodynamic lighting?

How can I measure the quality of light?

Functions of ganglion cells in the retina of the eye

Phototherapy as a recognised treatment

How does light affect our mood?

Effect of light on sleep quality

How are serotonin and melatonin related to light? What are the consequences of their imbalance?

Should you direct your lights into the ceiling? And why?

How to plan lighting in a construction project?

How to choose the right luminaires for the interior?

Blue light – friend or foe?

Why do we sleep poorly during the day due to lack of light?

How does procognitive lighting differ from conventional full-spectrum LED lighting?

How is the cyan region of the spectrum beneficial?

About Spectrasol products

What is the difference between procognitive and biodynamic lighting?

Is the phototherapy case suitable for home treatment?

What doctors may benefit from your phototherapy devices?

Does Spectrasol LED lighting regenerate the retina of the eye?

How does Spectrasol lighting increase alertness?

How does Spectrasol act as a compensatory factor against the harmful blue light and how does it regenerate retinal cells?

How does a balanced spectral composition support the vitality of the user?

Why should I choose Spectrasol procognitive lighting?

How does Spectrasol light affect circadian rhythms and why is it important?

What are the main advantages of Spectrasol’s balanced spectral composition compared to traditional light sources?

How does Spectrasol support cognitive functions, including alertness, concentration and memory functions?

What role does the melanopic energy of Spectrasol lighting play in supporting the circadian system and cognitive performance?

What is the correlated colour temperature of Spectrasol lights?

What research and studies confirm the effectiveness of Spectrasol on the human body?

Where is it best to install Spectrasol lighting and why?

What are the main benefits of Spectrasol for individuals and organisations?

What makes Spectrasol unique and more efficient compared to traditional lights?

How is Spectrasol better than competing ‘full-spectrum’ light sources/lamps?

Approximately how long does it take to deliver the lights and install them?

What are the prices of Spectrasol lamps?

How long is the warranty period?

Who should I contact if I am interested in these lights?

Is it possible to come and see the lighting somewhere?

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