The overall balance of the spectral composition is related to the right biological effects on the body after the sun sample. The sun is the natural and best source of daylight and this should be taken into account for interior lighting. In contrast to competitor solutions, which often only focus on certain parts of the spectral composition in an attempt to achieve certain specific effects, Spectrasol focuses precisely on the overall balance and complexity of the spectral composition to ensure all effects and contexts as from the sun. Many of them have not yet been explored and therefore need to be handled responsibly. And this can only be achieved by copying its natural properties in an attempt to achieve positive natural effects and not to cause negative ones by any differences. Thanks to this, it has an excellent effect on the image-forming and non-image forming (NIF) system of the eye, which controls the aforementioned processes in the body.
We specifically focus on the balanced cyan circadian energy mentioned above, while avoiding the concentrated energy in the so-called Harmful Blue Light band, which poses a risk of retinal damage with long-term use even at low intensities. Unlike traditional light sources, Spectrasol does not show a dip in the melanopic range of around 460-500 nm, which is important for cognitive performance, alertness and general daytime activity. In addition, we uniquely emit a balanced intensity in the red wavelength range, including at 670 nm. According to current research (e.g., T. I. Karu, 2010; C. Núñez-Álvarez et al., 2019; J. Nie et al., 2022; R. C. Siqueira et al., 2021; B. Burton et al., 2023, and others), these wavelengths are important for compensating UV and blue radiation and help regenerate the retina of the eye. Spectrasol also has a high colour rendering index (CRI), Ra > 95 (the sun: Ra = 100) and, with its colouration or the correlated colour temperature (CTI) of around 4600-4800 K, it gives off a pleasant white light as on a sunny day under the open sky. Read more here: https: // and