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Hynek Medřický at TEDxPrague – Biostimulatory Effect of Light

25.01.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

As part of TEDxPrague, another series of inspiring lectures took place – this time on the theme “INVISIBLE”. The speakers’ lectures provided insights into the world from the perspective of people, issues, subcultures, and subtopics that have a significant impact on human life but still do not get enough space in the media or social discussions. One of the topics discussed was light, which directly determines our mood and brain performance.

Light scientist and inventor of the biodynamic bulb Hynek Medřický discussed light spectra and their influence on human cognitive functions. In his lecture, you will learn about azure and green light and why white color actually doesn’t exist.

If you are interested in this topic, watch the recording of the conference:

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