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Hynek Medřický for iDNES: The less lighting there is on the streets, the better

24.01.2024 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

How does light and mobile displays affect our biological clock and health? And how should we handle light at home or in public spaces to avoid disrupting natural circadian rhythms? These questions were answered by Hynek Medřický in an interview for iDNES.cz.

“Sleep has no depot. We can’t ‘catch up’ on sleep or ‘pre-sleep.’ And humans are the only creatures that voluntarily deprive themselves of sleep. This is called sleep procrastination. It means postponing sleep in the sense of: I’ll watch one more episode of a series, I’ll reply to one more email, I’ll check this… and we keep delaying and pushing back the time when we go to bed. However, the morning alarm clock is uncompromising, it always rings,” he says, for example.

Read the full interview here.

Photo source: iDNES.cz
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