Lighting in the classroom can directly affect not only the overall mood of students but also their concentration, memory, overall vitality, and resulting academic performance. Therefore, schools should not take the choice of lighting lightly. Lighting with a balanced spectral composition, like natural sunlight, has an undeniable impact on the health and cognitive functions of students and teachers and contributes to the overall improvement of the climate in educational institutions. Spectrasol meets this condition unequivocally with its cognitive lighting. Spectrasol as part of the CIV project
The quality of light should be one of the cornerstones in creating a stimulating environment for more effective teaching. The latest scientific studies show that sufficient quality light supports overall alertness, the ability to concentrate, cognitive functions, emotional tuning, overall health, and positively influences academic results. âOur lights are beneficial for both children and teachers. We are grateful that in the second wave of the Prague project Centers for Interactive Learning, we can install our unique lights in more Prague schools,â says David Piller, project manager and team leader of Spectrasol. In the first phase of the Centers for Interactive Learning project, a total of 12 schools in Prague were involved, of which 9 schools have Spectrasol cognitive lighting. You can find these lights in the following Prague schools:
⢠SPŠP Betlémská
⢠COPTH PodÄbradská
⢠SOŠa VOŠEvropská
⢠VOÅ a SPÅ E FrantiÅ¡ka KÅiÅŸÃka
⢠GNP Na PraÅŸaÄce
⢠OU Vyšehrad
⢠SSAI Weilova
So far, Spectrasol has received only positive reactions from directors, teachers, and students from all the schools. Due to the proven effectiveness of Spectrasol cognitive lights, they are successfully being applied to many other schools as well.
About the CIV project The concept of the Centers for Interactive Learning (CIV) was created with the clear goal of bringing the most modern teaching methods to Prague’s education system using top-notch technologies, creating special classrooms, and starting the process of their integration into the everyday life of schools. The project was created under the auspices of the European Structural and Investment Funds, specifically within the framework of the Research, Development, and Education Operational Program.
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