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Light as a Topic of Debate in the Chamber of Deputies

12.03.2025 | 2 minutes of reading | Martina Kemrová

LIGHT HYGIENE AND ITS IMPACT ON MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH – this was the title of a seminar held at the Chamber of Deputies in mid-February 2025. For the first time, leading Czech experts – doctors, natural scientists, and technicians – had the opportunity to warn legislators about the severe impacts of poor light and sleep hygiene on the physical and mental health of not only adults but especially children. Our colleague Hynek Medřický also presented the latest technological possibilities in the field of modern lighting technology.

For the first time, a politician, the Chair of the Health Committee MUDr. Zdenka Němečková Crkvenjaš, MBA, voiced a key opinion: “It is undeniable that light, its spectrum, and intensity have an extraordinary impact on human physical and mental health… The Ministry of Health and especially hygienists should consider how to incorporate light quality assessment into legal standards where it is currently missing. If we have the technology and know how it affects both physical and mental health, I see no reason why we should not take this step…”

We believe that discussions about remedies for the unsatisfactory state of lighting in public spaces (schools, healthcare, social facilities, office spaces…) will continue, and that they will result in the creation of a necessary legislative framework.

You can find the press release from the seminar with quotes from leading experts HERE.

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