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Light as the Key to Mental Illnesses

04.02.2025 | 1 minute of reading | Martina Kemrová

On the connection between the COVID-19 pandemic, disruption of circadian rhythms, and the rise in mental illnesses, Associate Professor MUDr. Martin Anders spoke in an excellent contribution at the November conference of the Czech Lighting Society.

What is “circadian rhythmicity”? What does it influence? How does disregarding the natural light-dark/sleep-wake rhythm affect mental health? And how can light aid in the treatment of mental illnesses? What can we do to feel better?

You can find out all this and much more in the 14-minute video by the head physician of the psychiatric clinic at VFN Prague, Associate Professor MUDr. Martin Anders, Ph.D. Definitely worth watching.

Photo source: Pixabay.com/jplenio

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