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Light & Building Trade Fair: We Exhibited in Frankfurt am Main

24.10.2022 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

The Light & Building fair is a meeting place for organizations in the fields of lighting, electrical engineering, and other related technologies. It is held once every two years and showcases the latest advancements in these fields. As a supplier of Czech revolutionary technology for biologically optimized lighting, we had the opportunity to participate in this year’s event with our exhibition within the framework of the IQRF Alliance, which brings together innovative entities offering smart solutions for modern buildings.

At the fair, we presented information from the latest scientific research on lighting and its biological functions. “We primarily wanted to educate the visitors, but we also introduced them to our light sources and complete fixtures with a spectrum that is closest to the sun among all currently available artificial light sources,” comments the country’s manager SK, responsible for the export of Spectrasol, Boris Hanák. Besides the broad professional public, we also had the opportunity to discuss our solutions with scientific authorities from prestigious universities around the world and showcase our patented LED technology, which received excellent positive feedback from them.

Participation in the fair also allowed us to have friendly meetings and discussions with the most advanced competitors from South Korea and Japan, confirming that our solution remains the best on the market. “Compared to the competition, our spectrum has the advantage of its specific technological basis, the degree of conformity with the sun, the elimination of risks associated with harmful blue light, and at the same time, it has regenerative and phototherapeutic effects on the retina of the eye. Last but not least, it is less expensive compared to competitive technologies of individual full-spectrum LED chips,” explains the managing director of Spectrasol, Daniel JesenskÃœ. Due to the risks associated with harmful blue light (Harmful Blue light), Samsung has also shifted the blue excitation peak from 450 to 470 nm in its latest products.

“We also had the space to establish contacts with potential distributors from Switzerland, Germany, Scandinavia, and Israel, with whom we will now work on expanding into these markets,” adds Ondřej Kubíček, project manager of Spectrasol.


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