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Luhačovice Spa Hotels Receive Prestigious European Award for Innovation

25.10.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

The Luhačovice spa hotels Nivamare and Miramare won two awards at the ESPA Innovation Awards for their innovative spa programs. Hotel Nivamare won in the category of innovative spa product with the Sleep Balance program, while the Miramare hotels received a special award for their post-covid syndrome treatment program. These awards recognize long-term innovative approaches and confirm the quality of the provided care.

A key part of the stay is light hygiene, which is maintained by the lighting system from the company Spectrasol. The scientifically confirmed positive effects of these lights include improved performance, productivity, concentration, cognitive functions, emotional state, and overall health and vitality of users. Experts in chronobiology from the National Institute of Mental Health also contributed to the preparation of the European award-winning treatment program.

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