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Our lighting has been sent on another space mission!

23.11.2023 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

We previously participated in the unique space research project Hydronaut H03 Deeplap, and as the name suggests, it took place underwater. Now, the space mission simulation center has moved to the CTU campus, where scientists are studying life in space and its impact on the human body and psyche. As is our mission, we provided Hydronaut with biodynamic and procognitive lights, which aim to mimic natural light.

Our Spectrasol lights contribute not only to comfort but especially to ensuring important biological and physiological processes for astronauts who have embarked on a spacecraft with a controlled atmosphere. The project is interesting in itself because:

  • it is the first training center for space mission simulation,
  • with an area of 8m2, Hydronaut becomes the smallest isolated closed environment in the world,
  • it is the first station in the world that simulates a space environment on land and underwater.
Take a look at the simulation photos, or watch the report on TN.cz.

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