Autumn: bright colours, morning mists, fluffy sweaters and hot drinks. And much less light, cold, rain, grey, tiredness… We can’t control the weather or length of day, yet there’s a lot we can do for our stamina, performance and mood. Let’s summarise this to be safe(and thank you Satchin Panda for the inspiration).
Satisfy the body’s natural desire for regularity. The fact that it’s cold and the light is low is enough of a burden.
Get enough sleep (7-8 hours), go to bed and get up at the same time, even on weekends.
Eat only during a regular window of no more than 12 hours of your own choice. Not even a nut outside the window! In the morning, eat at least an hour after waking up, in the evening a min. 3 hours before bedtime.
Buy ginger and turmeric – you can never have enough disinfection. You can’t go wrong with lemons and honey either. You can just munch on ginger, brew it into tea or add it to broths (you can also add turmeric to these liquids). Ginger is also wonderful for warming up.
Spend at least 30 minutes a day outside during the daylight hours. Plenty of natural light is essential for the production of serotonin, the feel-good hormone, which in turn conditions the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. In short, without light there is a risk of poor sleep.
Keep moving. Get at least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise (preferably outdoors) a day. A fast-paced walk will do. But the kind that makes you gasp.
Toughen up. Cold and hunger are the two principles of longevity. You don’t have to train with Wim Hof right away; just dress like it’s 5 degrees more. You’ll be a little chilly, but you won’t freeze. And you’ll even get tougher.
Concentrate on the everyday joys. We know it gets harder with a growing number of layers of clothing, but there’s something every day: a nice coffee, an unexpected meeting, pets including children… And if nothing else, a good film always works!
Treat yourself to plenty of light at work. Unless you are lucky and you are a forester or gardener, you probably spend your days indoors. The brain languishes, hormones are not produced (see point 1), energy and joy of life disappear. Not to mention mental performance. If you are not sitting directly in front of a window when you are working, the luminosity in the room decreases with every inch of distance. So treat yourself to some light! And most importantly…
…Use proper lighting! If you spend most of your time under artificial light, it’s worth paying attention to choosing the right lighting. The closer it is to natural light, the better. The spectrometer will give you a clue. And if you would like to make sure that you have chosen the best light closest to that in nature, just click HERE.