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Siemens Brno Completes Installation of Regenerative Spectrasol Lights

17.10.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

The Brno branch of Siemens has teamed up with Spectrasol, which has installed new lighting in office spaces and meeting rooms. The collaboration began in September 2020, and the work was divided into several phases. Currently, two floors of the office building are completed, and the realization of the last floor is underway. We are really glad that an international company like Siemens has started to cooperate with us. They are satisfied with us, the installation is ongoing, and that is a great reference for us,” explains Spectrasol’s project manager, Ondřej Kubíček.

An unsuitable work environment can have a negative impact not only on employees’ work results but also on their mental and physical condition. Employers are aware of these factors, and the demand for modern light sources is constantly increasing. “We have really positive feedback, Siemens is ordering our products for other spaces as well. According to the client, employees radiate more comfort, which is also reflected in their performance,” comments Spectrasol’s project manager, Ondřej Kubíček.

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