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Spectrasol on light at the Modern Work Summit 2023 Conference

15.01.2024 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

„We smile at each other when the sun shines,“ says Hynek Medřický at the beginning of his lecture on light at the Modern Work conference. Yes, light has a definite impact on our mood, but also on productivity and long-term health.

Together with Daniel Jesenský, they presented to the audience the advantages and possibilities of using light that simulates natural, sunlight. We all need it much more than we think. According to research, the modern person spends 90% of their time indoors. They also discussed the basics of the non-visual effect of light on the human organism and the potential and benefits of full-spectrum lighting for users. They presented to the audience projects where lighting was successfully applied.

Watch our entire lecture from Modern Work Summit 2023:

The summit full of trends and inspiration for the modern way of working was organized by Spectrasol’s partner and distributor – AV Media systems.

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