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Spectrasol partner of the chronobiology conference

12.06.2024 | 6 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

The company Spectrasol has become a partner of the 34th Annual Conference of the worldwide Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR), which will be held for the first time in the Czech Republic, from June 20-22, 2024, at the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, at Albertov.

“Indeed, the fundamental findings of chronobiology regarding the impact of light and daily rhythms on human health were at the heart of the Spectrasol technology,” says Daniel JesenskÃœ, Managing Director of Spectrasol, adding, “That is why we consider it natural to support the gathering of the top experts in the field right here in Prague.”

At the highly specialized conference, Satchinanda Panda, author of the global bestseller *The Circadian Code*, will also speak. He will also give a public lecture on the eve of the conference – at the invitation of Spectrasol founder Hynek MedřickÃœ. This lecture is open to the general public interested in how light affects health and how the circadian rhythm influences the functioning of the human body.

“At the conference, representatives from ČVUT and NÚDZ will also present the results of studies conducted during long-term testing of our phototherapeutic devices in the treatment of psychiatric patients as part of a joint TAČR grant project. The presentation will also include a new methodology for applying LED full-spectrum phototherapy and chronotherapy, which was also developed within the project,” adds Ondřej Kubíček, Project Manager and Consultant for Spectrasol.

SLTBR is an international scientific non-profit organization founded in 1988, dedicated to supporting research and knowledge about the effects of light on the body and chronobiology of psychiatric and other medical disorders. The organization connects molecular chronobiology and classical medicine to make the findings of chronotherapy accessible to all fields of modern medicine, thus contributing to the improvement of treatment strategies and patient care.

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