
Successful Spectrasol lighting applications


Working environment

Penta Real Estate, Veolia Energy

Legatica Nová Waltrovka – 6 floors of cognitive lighting by Veolia Spectrasol
Realization: 2024
Case study →

Siemens Energy

Six phases and three years of procognitive lighting application in one of the world’s top industrial companies
Realization: 2020 - 2023
Case study →

AURA, s.r.o.

Installation of SL45 procognitive LED lighting in the company’s offices.
Realization: 2023

Some time ago, my wife and I listened with great interest to Mr MedřickÃœ speaking on the radio on the influence of light on the human body. His words stuck in my mind and so when Spectrasol reached out to me in connection with our association (AOBP), I accepted the offer to improve the lighting almost without hesitation. Among other things, my visual impairment requires more intense lighting, and Spectrasol provides that. Today, I am happy to confirm that it was the right decision. The light in my office is on almost continuously, it supports my concentration in addition to my eyesight even in the late hours and I enter the office every morning with a smile. At the same time, we decided to test the lighting in the economic department, where employees previously only worked under the light of monitors. Now the room is luminous, fresh and full of energy.

Ing. Filip Engelsmann
CEO, Managing Director

Agados, spol. s.r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in offices
Realization: 2023

The acquisition cost is higher, but the price to value ratio is absolutely all right. I recommend the installation of these luminaires. We also appreciated the ease of replacing the existing lighting fixtures. You have to get used to the intensity of the lighting (for us it took about 2 weeks), but after that you won’t have it any other way.

Ivo Uchytil
Sales Director
Agados, spol. s.r.o.

Czech Entrepreneur Insurance, a.s.

Installation of indirect procognitive LED lighting SL45 in offices
Realization: 2025

Previously, after spending a long time under artificial lighting, I suffered from headaches and fatigue. This disappeared after the installation of pro-cognitive lighting.
Under these lights, I am more productive and less tired. When I am not in the office, my colleagues, who usually work under standard LED lighting, have also started using my workspace.
I sincerely recommend Spectrasol lighting—I look forward to work more now, and I am convinced that users will thank you after its installation.

Translated using AI

Mgr. Jolana Kolaříková
Marketing Director
Czech Entrepreneurial Insurance Company, a.s., Vienna Insurance Group


Ideal lighting for scientific research activities in the modern building of the University Center for Energy-Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University
Realization: October 2024
Case study →


Installation of new Spectrasol procognitive luminaires
Realization: 2024

We are excited about the new pro-cognitive Spectrasol lighting that we recently installed in our ELLIA laboratory!

We were surprised that, despite the high intensity of the light, it is very pleasant on the eyes and comfortable to work under. The spectrum of the lighting is of exceptional quality, and even after long hours of work, we do not feel fatigued.

The lights perfectly illuminate every detail on our workstations, which is essential for our laboratory activities.

We also greatly appreciate the quick and easy ordering process, as well as the flawless, professional, and seamless communication during the selection of the lighting. The entire process, from the initial contact to delivery, was completely smooth and pleasant.

We are grateful for these lights, which have improved our laboratory environment and allow us to work more efficiently.

Thank you for this great innovation, the special pricing, and top-notch service!

And as our lab director, Prof. Jan Rak, puts it: “Everything has truly brightened up for us :)”

Translated using AI

Denisa Harantová
Research team member

KŘÍŜ, spol. s r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in production areas
Realization: 2023

Our employees can see better on the job after installing cognitive lights. We also appreciate the significantly better colour fidelity. Given the nature of our products, this is crucial for our production.

Libor Kříş
KŘÍŜ, spol. s r.o.

Appleguru, s.r.o.

Installation of IBP A cognitive LED lighting in all offices, service and client areas
Realization: 2021

After the installation, there is generally less fatigue in the team and we have observed increased employee efficiency.
We are very happy with the result and can no longer imagine other lights in the working environment. Bio-optimised light is the future of corporate, work and school environments.
We are very happy to be part of this progressive development.

Matouš Lébr

Veolia Energie ČR

Veolia Greentable – a showcase of modern technologies for sustainability
Realization: September 2022
Case study →

Pplaser.cz, s.r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in the sales hall
Realization: 2023

Following the first installation in the production and sales hall in December 2021, we saw a 20% increase in the number of orders won and completed in January. This met our expectations and confirmed the research presented, which showed that productivity increases under full-spectrum lighting.
I am very happy with the result, at the same time the luminaires have great distribution and we can see much better under them.

Pavel Perner

DAGO, s.r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting in offices (SL 45) and production sites (IBP C)
Realization: 2022

The Spectrasol lights are amazing! In fact, we feel that we can finally ‘see’ things after installing them. We work with delicate products and it is important to not only see the right colours in the workshops, but also if the glued joints are accurate, etc. Whenever we turn the lights off for a while and only leave the original lighting on, it affects the quality of the products. After the first workstations were fitted with them, we immediately ordered more. I can definitely recommend the lights. The subjective feeling and the practical efficiency are exceptional!

Marek Konchitík
Executive Director
DAGO, s.r.o.

Duco Tech CZ s.r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting in offices and meeting rooms (SL 45 and ESO)
Realization: 2023

Negotiations with Spectrasol and the actual installation of the procognitive lights were at a top professional level. Procognitive lighting has greatly improved our working environment. In some of the offices we still have historical fluorescent lamps, and the difference is really significant. We stopped using fluorescent lamps after this discovery and replaced them with Spectrasol Terra floor lamps.

Zdeněk Kratochvíl
Managing Director
Duco Tech CZ s.r.o.


Top watch-making team produces globally unique products under Spectrasol procognitive lighting
Realization: 2019
Case study →

AUTENTIQ, s.r.o.

Rolls-Royce under Spectrasol lights
Realization: May 2024
Case study →

Schools and education

University of Economics in Prague

Quattro Modulare! High tech modular classroom at the University of Economics
Realization: 2024
Case study →

FrantiÅ¡ek Křişík’s Higher Vocational School and Secondary School of Electrical Engineering

Installation of procognitive LED IBP A/C lighting in classrooms into existing raster soffits.
Realization: 2022

In our high school, Spectrasol technology is used in both special and tribal classrooms. In addition to the overall excellent visual comfort, we appreciate the fact that the luminaires do not interfere in any way with the image from our multimedia devices, especially the projectors. At the same time, they promote safety during practical classes, e.g., when working on rotating machinery. Pupils and teachers have a favourable view of the lights, and in the long run we observe a possible positive effect on learning outcomes. The advantage for us is also the long-term durability and energy savings.

Ing. Miloš Kodad
school principal
FrantiÅ¡ek Křişík’s Higher Vocational School and Secondary School of Electrical Engineering

Svitavy primary school

Realization: December 2022
Case study →

Bučovice primary school

Installation of IBP C procognitive LED lights in classrooms.
Realization: 2022

We have decided to install procognitive lighting in our school in regular classrooms and in the art classroom. Students and teachers clearly agree that they work better in these classrooms, they are in a better mood and have more ideas not only for drawing. The installation is gradually proceeding in other classrooms.

Mgr. Miroslava Hanáková
Bučovice primary school

Archimedes – high tech outdoor classroom at BVV

Spectrasol in Archimedes high tech classrooms
Realization: August 2024
Case study →

Na Praşačce Grammar School

Na PraÅŸačce Grammar School – the first experimental installation of full-spectrum procognitive LED lighting in the Czech Republic
Realization: 2018/2019
Case study →


General University Hospital in Prague

Prague’s General University Hospital boasts the most advanced circadian lighting in the world
Realization: December 2023
Case study →

University Hospital Ostrava

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in the offices and reception of the eye clinic.
Realization: 2022

Our receptionists serve more than a hundred people a day and work under constant pressure with an increased visual load. Compared to standard luminaires, today’s luminaires provide homogeneous illumination of the work area, a pleasant light colour and prevent undesirable effects such as waves or colour gradients.

Mgr. Lukáš Kolarčík, DiS., MBA
head nurse
Eye Clinic of Ostrava University Hospital

Home for the Elderly in Beroun (DS TGM)

Biodynamic light helps the elderly
Realization: 2019 - 2020
Case study →

Royal Spa – Nivamare hotel, Luhačovice

Circadian lighting and Spectrasol phototherapy in the Nivamare hotel’s Sleep Balance spa programme
Realization: May 2023
Case study →

Home for the Elderly Sokolnice, South Moravian Region

Installation of biodynamic lighting in the Sokolnice Home for the Elderly
Realization: 2022
Case study →

24/7 Workplace

Prison Service of the Czech Republic

Installation of SL45 procognitive LED lighting in the monitoring centre
Realization: 2023

Initially, some of our monitoring department colleagues did not trust the new luminaires, because they were accustomed to working in unlit environments, especially at night. Gradually, however, they changed their minds, also with regard to the customised setting options of the lighting intensity. Our colleagues working twelve-hour shifts alternating between night and day shifts, unanimously agreed that the lighting had a positive effect on fatigue and concentration when dealing with everyday activities. Today, therefore, the lighting is used during the day and at night, when it was previously customary to dim all lighting altogether.

plk. Mgr. Jiří Prince
Director of the Judicial Guard Department
Prison Service of the Czech Republic

Directorate General of Customs Administration

Installation of SL45 procognitive LED lighting in the monitoring centre
Realization: 2023

Compared to fluorescent lamps, the light is bright, free of flickering, which brings great visual comfort. Most of the year we use lighting almost all the time.

plk. Ing. Miroslav Kubik
Head of Operations Centre
Directorate General of Customs Administration

Regional Police Directorate of the South Moravian Region

Installation of procognitive LED lighting for IBP A in the operations centre and service rooms
Realization: 2021

We decided to choose Spectrasol procognitive lighting based on information we found on social networks, positive testimonials from our colleagues who have already had this lighting installed and, last but not least, following the advice provided as part of an expert lecture delivered on the biological effects of light on the human body. As expected, the installed luminaires supported our work that involves exposure.

plk. Mgr. Bc. Radek Horáček
Head of Operations Department
Regional Police Directorate of the South Moravian Region

Security and defence

Prison Service of the Czech Republic

Installation of SL45 procognitive LED lighting in the monitoring centre
Realization: 2023

Initially, some of our monitoring department colleagues did not trust the new luminaires, because they were accustomed to working in unlit environments, especially at night. Gradually, however, they changed their minds, also with regard to the customised setting options of the lighting intensity. Our colleagues working twelve-hour shifts alternating between night and day shifts, unanimously agreed that the lighting had a positive effect on fatigue and concentration when dealing with everyday activities. Today, therefore, the lighting is used during the day and at night, when it was previously customary to dim all lighting altogether.

plk. Mgr. Jiří Prince
Director of the Judicial Guard Department
Prison Service of the Czech Republic

Directorate General of Customs Administration

Installation of SL45 procognitive LED lighting in the monitoring centre
Realization: 2023

Compared to fluorescent lamps, the light is bright, free of flickering, which brings great visual comfort. Most of the year we use lighting almost all the time.

plk. Ing. Miroslav Kubik
Head of Operations Centre
Directorate General of Customs Administration

Regional Police Directorate of the South Moravian Region

Installation of procognitive LED lighting for IBP A in the operations centre and service rooms
Realization: 2021

We decided to choose Spectrasol procognitive lighting based on information we found on social networks, positive testimonials from our colleagues who have already had this lighting installed and, last but not least, following the advice provided as part of an expert lecture delivered on the biological effects of light on the human body. As expected, the installed luminaires supported our work that involves exposure.

plk. Mgr. Bc. Radek Horáček
Head of Operations Department
Regional Police Directorate of the South Moravian Region

Fire Brigade of the South Moravian Region

Installation of procognitive LED lighting for IBP A in the meeting rooms and director’s office
Realization: 2021

The luminaires give much more light at first glance, which is significantly more pleasant and better quality than the original lighting. The result is a completely different atmosphere and a more pleasant working environment, and we expect to see an improvement in work performance.

plk. Ing. Jiří Pelikán,
Director, Principal Administrator,
Fire Brigade of the South Moravian Region

VojenskÜ vÜzkumnÜ ústav, s. p.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in the offices of the institute.
Realization: 2022

After the installation of Spectrasol lighting, the drab offices became a very pleasant place for discussions and meetings. According to the experience of individual workers, the conditions for mental work have improved significantly, with significantly less fatigue at the end of working hours. Based on the excellent experience in Spectrasol lighting, we are planning to install it in other areas.

Ing. Pavel ČUDA, Ph.D.,
VojenskÜ vÜzkumnÜ ústav, s. p.

Association of Defence and Security Industry of the Czech Republic

Installation of procognitive LED lighting SL45 in the offices of the association.
Realization: 2021

You spend a good part of your life at work, which is why we bought Spectrasol lighting for all our offices. And the lights work to our full satisfaction and in favour of the health and performance of all our employees.

RNDr. Jiří Hynek,
President of the Association,
Association of Defence and Security Industry of the Czech Republic

AURA, s.r.o.

Installation of SL45 procognitive LED lighting in the company’s offices.
Realization: 2023

Some time ago, my wife and I listened with great interest to Mr MedřickÃœ speaking on the radio on the influence of light on the human body. His words stuck in my mind and so when Spectrasol reached out to me in connection with our association (AOBP), I accepted the offer to improve the lighting almost without hesitation. Among other things, my visual impairment requires more intense lighting, and Spectrasol provides that. Today, I am happy to confirm that it was the right decision. The light in my office is on almost continuously, it supports my concentration in addition to my eyesight even in the late hours and I enter the office every morning with a smile. At the same time, we decided to test the lighting in the economic department, where employees previously only worked under the light of monitors. Now the room is luminous, fresh and full of energy.

Ing. Filip Engelsmann
CEO, Managing Director

KŘÍŜ, spol. s r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in production areas
Realization: 2023

Our employees can see better on the job after installing cognitive lights. We also appreciate the significantly better colour fidelity. Given the nature of our products, this is crucial for our production.

Libor Kříş
KŘÍŜ, spol. s r.o.

Agados, spol. s.r.o.

Installation of procognitive LED lighting IBP A in offices
Realization: 2023

The acquisition cost is higher, but the price to value ratio is absolutely all right. I recommend the installation of these luminaires. We also appreciated the ease of replacing the existing lighting fixtures. You have to get used to the intensity of the lighting (for us it took about 2 weeks), but after that you won’t have it any other way.

Ivo Uchytil
Sales Director
Agados, spol. s.r.o.

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