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The University Hospital in Ostrava Enriched with Innovative Spectrasol Lighting

17.10.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Spectrasol’s unique lighting has been newly installed in the premises of the University Hospital Ostrava as part of a pilot collaboration. The new lighting is in the offices and also at the reception of the eye clinic’s outpatient department.

The project implementation was very quick. The process from presenting the offer to the hospital management, through design to delivery and installation, took a month and a half. “The idea was very much liked by the hospital management, so we proceeded with the pilot implementation. We believe that they will be satisfied with the implementation and the benefits of the products, and our cooperation will continue in the future,” explains Spectrasol’s project manager, Ondřej Kubíček.

The eye clinic is the only facility of its kind in the Moravian-Silesian region for an area with more than 1.2 million inhabitants. The reception staff is exposed to stress and strain every day, so it is important for them to have the best possible conditions. “Our receptionists serve more than a hundred people daily and work under constant pressure with increased visual strain. The current lighting fixtures provide homogeneous lighting of the work surface, a pleasant light color, and prevent unwanted effects such as flickering or color transitions compared to standard fluorescent fixtures,” comments Lukáš Kolarčík from the Eye Clinic of University Hospital Ostrava.

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