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Two Nights in the Sleep Room: Stressed People Learn to Relax in Luhačovice

25.10.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Sleep disorders are increasingly common among Czechs and are associated with stress, lack of exercise, and excessive use of mobile phones. The spa hotel Nivamare in Luhačovice offers a program focused on proper sleep and light hygiene. Reporter Clara Zanga tried this stay and found that despite getting enough sleep, she still felt tired in the morning.

She recommends phototherapy in the morning before a walk. It is supposed to improve mood and reduce anxiety, which interests me as someone who has been treated for an anxiety disorder for several years. So, on the second day in Pozlovice, after breakfast, I start exposing myself to the bright light from a “therapeutic suitcase” by the company Spectrasol, created in collaboration with CTU and the National Institute of Mental Health. It responds to the fact that, according to the latest data, we spend up to 90 percent of our time indoors, often in inadequately lit rooms.

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