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We are developing tools in collaboration with the Czech Technical University (ČVUT) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NUDZ) to support the treatment and prevention of mental illnesses through a TAČR grant.

19.04.2023 | 9 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Since 2020, as part of a grant project by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, we have been working on the development and verification of the effects of phototherapeutic aids. These are based on our unique LED technology with a balanced spectral composition close to natural sunlight. We collaborate on the project with UCEEB CTU and the National Institute of Mental Health (NUDZ). The project is scheduled to conclude at the end of this year.

Since the beginning of the project in 2020, three functional prototypes have been designed and continuously developed: a light sauna, a column, and a suitcase. “Our goal is to create products with high phototherapeutic effects, providing support and relief for patients with affective disorders, such as seasonal depression, bipolar affective disorder, and various other applications in psychiatric care. Additionally, thanks to long-term close cooperation in an interdisciplinary team of architects, lighting technicians, designers, constructors, and physiologists, these products are also user-friendly, design-wise interesting, and long-lasting,” explains Lenka Maierová, a research scientist at the CTU team.

Since last year, the benefits of this prototype series have been directly verified with individuals suffering from various mental disorders. Testing takes place at the National Institute of Mental Health, and feedback obtained from long-term testing is used to optimize the parameters of light intervention, ensuring high effectiveness and maximum comfort during use. At the same time, the NUDZ scientific team is developing methodologies for the application of phototherapeutic aids, intended for doctors using phototherapy in the treatment and prevention of mental disorders. “Our pilot data suggests that exposure to light in the light sauna could positively affect the stability of circadian rhythms, mood, and sleep. However, studies are still ongoing, and final results will be known by the end of 2023,” comments Jana Kopřivová, head of the Sleep Research and Chronobiology Center at NUDZ.

Light Sauna

It represents a mobile pavilion for up to 6 people, equipped with Spectrasol’s Therapeutic full-spectrum light, designed to stabilize circadian rhythms, support mental health, and performance. A mobile alternative is a portable light suitcase, which helps patients transition from clinical care to everyday life, allowing them to continue phototherapy in a home environment.

Light Column

It is a light fixture that primarily serves preventively for home use as a floor lamp. “During the day and night, the lamp automatically changes the spatial distribution, tonality, and spectral composition of the emitted light in accordance with natural sunlight. The lighting can effectively support the stabilization of circadian rhythms in the body, positively impacting mental and physical health and vitality,” clarifies Daniel Jesenský, Executive Director of Spectrasol.

Several healthcare facilities have already expressed interest in the aids, including the General University Hospital in Prague. “We are pleased that our patented light sources will be able to help not only in interiors such as schools and offices, where they support daily mental activity, overall health, and user mood but also in the treatment and prevention of mental illnesses,” states Hynek Medřický, the inventor of the applied patented technology and Technology Director of Spectrasol.

Light Suitcase and Light Column.

The project is supported by a grant from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the TREND program. It will be a significant benefit for us and users if it is possible to certify these devices as medical aids, enabling the financing of patient treatment from health insurance funds. We are preparing the certification application after verifying effectiveness and completing the project at the end of 2023.

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