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With the Archimedes project, we participated in an event for economic diplomacy, and we were pleased to receive interest from the minister himself.

30.06.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Archimedes is an innovative project created by forming an alliance of several Czech companies under the Czechtrade umbrella. These are independent outdoor eco-classrooms packed with modern technologies, in which our procognitive lights are also applied. So far, the classrooms are successfully being implemented and tested in the local market, and in line with the alliance’s goals, their export expansion to foreign markets is underway. For this reason, the Archimedes presentation took place at yesterday’s MPO and Czechtrade event, where companies had the opportunity to discuss their expansion plans with economic, scientific, and agricultural diplomats, as well as heads of CzechTrade and CzechInvest foreign offices. During the project exhibition, we also had the opportunity to meet the Minister of Industry and Trade, Jozef Síkela, who was very impressed by our work. Thank you for this great opportunity!

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