
News from us and from the world of healthy light

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Natural lighting conditions for staff, improved patient treatment. A Prague hospital has the most advanced circadian lighting in the world.

At the General University Hospital in Prague (VFN), circadian lighting with autonomous...

16.04.2024 | 15 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Introducing a new innovation for schools: the Spectrasol SCHOOL INO luminaire

The National Institute of Mental Health of the Czech Republic recently published...

15.04.2024 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Documents of the state administration


As part of the grant project TAČR TREND by the Technology Agency...

24.03.2024 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol at the Light + Building International Trade Fair: Trends in the Lighting Industry

Trends in the lighting industry in all its aspects, digitalization of technologies...

08.03.2024 | 12 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Hynek Medřický for iDNES: The less lighting there is on the streets, the better

How does light and mobile displays affect our biological clock and health?...

24.01.2024 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol on light at the Modern Work Summit 2023 Conference

„We smile at each other when the sun shines,“ says Hynek Medřický...

15.01.2024 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We won an award in the global competition LIT LIGHTING DESIGN AWARDS 2023

The annual light design competition held in Switzerland recognizes exceptional works from...

19.12.2023 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We shed some light on plants at Můstek – natural light for plants inside buildings

The Prague metro station A Můstek has long been adorned with the...

06.12.2023 | 7 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Our lighting has been sent on another space mission!

We previously participated in the unique space research project Hydronaut H03 Deeplap,...

23.11.2023 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Actualities Research and science

Light as a Biological Substance or What HCL, Which Only Changes the Color Tone of Lighting (CCT), Can’t Do

In recent years, the term "human centric lighting" has become known to...

08.11.2023 | 26 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


New Spectrasol Sunflow LED Lamp Imitates Natural Light 24 Hours a Day

Introducing our new unique product – the Spectrasol Sunflow LED floor lamp....

30.10.2023 | 7 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

PRIMA CNN NEWS: Report from the Gala Evening of Czech Goodwill 2023

On Thursday, October 19th, the company Oscars were ceremoniously awarded for the...

25.10.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

In Pictures: The Company Oscars Awarded for the Eleventh Time

On the evening of Thursday, October 19th, the company Oscars were ceremoniously...

25.10.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Two Nights in the Sleep Room: Stressed People Learn to Relax in Luhačovice

Sleep disorders are increasingly common among Czechs and are associated with stress,...

25.10.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Luhačovice Spa Hotels Receive Prestigious European Award for Innovation

The Luhačovice spa hotels Nivamare and Miramare won two awards at the...

25.10.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Golden Oscar for Spectrasol! We Are the Best Company in Innovation

We have a company Oscar in our pocket! We succeeded in the...

23.10.2023 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

ESTATE – Sun on the Ceiling

Artificial lighting with inappropriate spectral composition negatively affects human concentration, performance, and...

05.10.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Licht Germany: Spectrasol – Almost Like Daylight

We are delighted that the prestigious German magazine Licht has noticed us...

03.10.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Students from the elementary school in Kutná Hora are interested in Spectrasol’s pro-cognitive lighting.

At T. G. Masaryk Primary School in Kutná Hora, students in the...

18.09.2023 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Melatonin as the hormone of darkness, but also as a protective shield for cells against oxidative stress.

The interview between Professor R. Seheult and K. Allred titled "Sunlight: Optimizing...

06.09.2023 | 11 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Top articles

Legatica: 6 floors of procognitive light

The first tenants have recently moved into the new Legatica office building, which is part...

From Healthcare: VFN has the most advanced circadian lighting in the world

Our unique biodynamic lighting installed at the General University Hospital in Prague has caught the...

Review Journal: Procognitive lighting in the defence and security sectors? Absolutely!

Do your eyes sometimes hurt at work,do you feel a sense of light deprivation, tired...

Spectrasol + SilentLab = heaven on earth

If you’ve ever worked in an open plan office or co-working space, you know that...

Prague welcomed the icons of chronobiology, and Spectrasol was there.

Last week, the most significant conference in the field of chronobiology took place in Prague,...

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