
News from us and from the world of healthy light

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About us in media

Sleep Balance – Phototherapeutic Lighting

Since July, biologically optimized lighting by Spectrasol has been available at the...

07.08.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Biologically Optimized Lighting in a Spa Hotel Helps Improve Sleep

Since July, biologically optimized lighting by Spectrasol has been available at the...

20.07.2023 | 8 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


With the Archimedes project, we participated in an event for economic diplomacy, and we were pleased to receive interest from the minister himself.

Archimedes is an innovative project created by forming an alliance of several...

30.06.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science


The study discusses the impact of light on mental health in the...

19.06.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Spectrasol’s pro-cognitive lighting creates a sense of natural daylight in schools.

At the Felberova Elementary School in Svitavy, procognitive lighting by Spectrasol has...

12.04.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Golden Amper 2023: Awarded to IQRF Tech and Spectrasol from the IQRF Alliance

IQRF Tech received the Zlatý Amper 2023 award for its IQRF® wireless...

12.04.2023 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Modern Technology and Nature in the City, Public and Private Finance, Good and Less Good Examples from Practice: Report from the Smart City in Practice VIII Conference

Presentations from the conference on electromobility for cities are available for download...

12.04.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Pro-cognitive Lighting Improves Productivity, Health, and Mood

Light affects sleep quality, health, performance, and mental well-being. In the workplace,...

12.04.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

A School in Svitavy Tests Modern Lighting That Resembles Daylight

The Felberova Elementary School in Svitavy is the first in the Pardubice...

12.04.2023 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

The Extension of the Senior Home in Sokolnice Is Now Complete

Three new barrier-free and low-energy semi-detached houses have expanded the Home for...

13.03.2023 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Our Biodynamic Lighting Now Supports the Innovative Senior Home in Sokolnice

In the protected chateau grounds where the Home for the Elderly in...

08.03.2023 | 8 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Pro-Cognitive Lighting for Schools – ZŠ Felberova as the First in the Pardubice Region

The management of Felberova Primary School Svitavy, with the help of the...

28.02.2023 | 6 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media Actualities

Lucie Výborná Interviewed Our Lighting Expert and Co-owner of Spectrasol, Hynek Medřický

Hynek Medřický appeared on Lucie Výborná's podcast on Radiožurnál. During the half-hour,...

30.01.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Documents of the state administration


Statement of CIE (International Commission of Illumination) on Harmful Blue Light, Photobiomodulation,...

11.01.2023 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Documents of the state administration

Recommendation for the application of Spectrasol pro-cognitive lighting by the National Institute of Mental Health of the Czech Republic

Full report in PDF: [googlepdf url="" download="Stáhnout" width="100%" height="800"] Translated using AI

04.01.2023 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


We participated in a seminar with the founder of global chronobiology, Professor Helena Illnerová.

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25.11.2022 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Light & Building Trade Fair: We Exhibited in Frankfurt am Main

[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text] The Light & Building fair is a meeting place for...

24.10.2022 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


The University Hospital in Ostrava Enriched with Innovative Spectrasol Lighting

Spectrasol's unique lighting has been newly installed in the premises of the...

17.10.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Siemens Brno Completes Installation of Regenerative Spectrasol Lights

The Brno branch of Siemens has teamed up with Spectrasol, which has...

17.10.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Top articles

Legatica: 6 floors of procognitive light

The first tenants have recently moved into the new Legatica office building, which is part...

From Healthcare: VFN has the most advanced circadian lighting in the world

Our unique biodynamic lighting installed at the General University Hospital in Prague has caught the...

Review Journal: Procognitive lighting in the defence and security sectors? Absolutely!

Do your eyes sometimes hurt at work,do you feel a sense of light deprivation, tired...

Spectrasol + SilentLab = heaven on earth

If you’ve ever worked in an open plan office or co-working space, you know that...

Prague welcomed the icons of chronobiology, and Spectrasol was there.

Last week, the most significant conference in the field of chronobiology took place in Prague,...

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