
News from us and from the world of healthy light

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Research and science

Protokol o měření vlivu světelných LED zdrojů na sítnicové buňky oka

V experimentu byl zjištěn značně rozdílný vliv záření různých LED zdrojů na apoptózu (krátké vlnové...

15.10.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


Interactive Learning Centers Utilize Unique Spectrasol Lighting

Lighting in the classroom can directly affect not only the overall mood...

11.10.2022 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Pilot Installation of Biodynamic Lighting at DS TGM in Beroun

Brief final research report on the results of the impact of Spectrasol...

09.10.2022 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Evaluation of the Impact of Pro-Cognitive LED Lighting by Spectrasol on Students and Teachers at Prague Grammar Schools

Report from the research of CTU UCEEB, which demonstrated a significant impact...

09.10.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Protocol on Measuring the Impact of LED Light Sources on Retinal Eye Cells

In the experiment, a significantly different effect of radiation from various LED...

09.10.2022 | 5 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Recommendations for Daily, Evening, and Nighttime Exposure to Indoor Light for Optimal Support of Physiology, Sleep, and Wakefulness

Full report in PDF: [googlepdf url="" download="Download" width="100%" height="800"] Translated using AI

09.10.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Day and night light exposure are associated with psychiatric disorders: an objective light study in >85,000 people

Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime exposure to indoor light for optimal...

09.10.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Lights Should Support Circadian Rhythms: Evidence-Based Scientific Consensus

For over a hundred years, the lighting industry has primarily been driven...

09.10.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

Cambridge Melanopsin Vision – Unlocking the Power of ipRGGs in Human Vision and Behavior with Emerging Lighting Technologies

In the realm of retinal physiology, photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGGs) represent...

09.10.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Visit us at the Light & Building Trade Fair

In the first week of October 2022, we will participate in the...

02.10.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We participated in the Military Healthcare project.

Last week, we participated in the "Military Healthcare" project, during which we...

23.09.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We installed lighting at Stupkova Elementary School – a balanced light spectrum with an emphasis on the azure component.

Spectrasol's unique lighting, a photovoltaic power plant, and a recovery unit. This...

12.09.2022 | 8 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Stupkova Elementary School generates its own electricity, and the school now features a range of other modern solutions.

Spectrasol's unique lighting, a photovoltaic power plant, and a recovery unit. This...

12.09.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

TV Morava: Topic of the Week 35/2022

The summer holidays are over. After two months, schools are once again...

12.09.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Students started the year at school with their own electricity generation and other cool innovations.

Spectrasol's unique lighting, a photovoltaic power plant, and a recovery unit. This...

12.09.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We are exhibiting at the Light&Building fair.

In a month, you will be able to see us at the...

05.09.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


A fireplace or our lights are good for your eyes – red light therapy.

Spectrasol light sources have a number of unique properties. They feature the...

17.08.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol in the innovation overview by KPMG.

Czech cognitive lighting Spectrasol celebrates another great success, being recognized in the...

10.08.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol has received a patent from the USPTO.

We have great news! This week, the United States Patent and Trademark...

01.08.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Semifinal of the PropTech Startup & Scalup Europe Awards.

We are grateful and proud to be the only ones from the...

01.06.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

Top articles

Legatica: 6 floors of procognitive light

The first tenants have recently moved into the new Legatica office building, which is part...

From Healthcare: VFN has the most advanced circadian lighting in the world

Our unique biodynamic lighting installed at the General University Hospital in Prague has caught the...

Review Journal: Procognitive lighting in the defence and security sectors? Absolutely!

Do your eyes sometimes hurt at work,do you feel a sense of light deprivation, tired...

Spectrasol + SilentLab = heaven on earth

If you’ve ever worked in an open plan office or co-working space, you know that...

Prague welcomed the icons of chronobiology, and Spectrasol was there.

Last week, the most significant conference in the field of chronobiology took place in Prague,...

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