
News from us and from the world of healthy light

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About us in media

TV Morava: Topic of the Week 35/2022

The summer holidays are over. After two months, schools are once again...

12.09.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Students started the year at school with their own electricity generation and other cool innovations.

Spectrasol's unique lighting, a photovoltaic power plant, and a recovery unit. This...

12.09.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We are exhibiting at the Light&Building fair.

In a month, you will be able to see us at the...

05.09.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


A fireplace or our lights are good for your eyes – red light therapy.

Spectrasol light sources have a number of unique properties. They feature the...

17.08.2022 | 3 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol in the innovation overview by KPMG.

Czech cognitive lighting Spectrasol celebrates another great success, being recognized in the...

10.08.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol has received a patent from the USPTO.

We have great news! This week, the United States Patent and Trademark...

01.08.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Semifinal of the PropTech Startup & Scalup Europe Awards.

We are grateful and proud to be the only ones from the...

01.06.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


Spectrasol has become part of the IQRF Alliance.

Our technology is part of smart, eco, and bio building solutions and...

29.04.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


We became the Innovative Company of the Year 2022!

Published by CDAI REVIEW magazine, the communication platform of the Association of...

19.04.2022 | 4 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


We are part of the editorial board of the CDAI REVIEW magazine.

A big congratulations! Daniel Jesenský, the executive director of Spectrasol, has been...

19.04.2022 | 4 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Spectrasol brings sunlight-like illumination to places where it is lacking.

At the IDET 2021 fair, a new member of AOBP, Spectrasol, exhibited...

13.04.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Czech pro-cognitive lighting improves productivity, health, and mood in workplaces.

Light has a significant and long-term impact on sleep quality, our health,...

05.04.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol


No matter what happens, our lights still hold strong.

This is how the thorough inspection of Spectrasol lighting at AKESO holding...

22.03.2022 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

Research and science

LED lighting with stimulation in low blue wavelengths causes retinal damage, confirmed a team of Chinese researchers.

The results of the research conducted by a Chinese team of scientists...

01.03.2022 | 4 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Video: What Did Edison Not Discover?

Does white color even exist? Another series of inspiring lectures took place...

25.01.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media

Hynek Medřický at TEDxPrague – Biostimulatory Effect of Light

As part of TEDxPrague, another series of inspiring lectures took place –...

25.01.2022 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol

About us in media Actualities

Lepší školní výsledky díky správnému osvětlení

Na základní škole v Brně-Medlánkách již druhým rokem probíhá testování speciálních LED...

06.12.2021 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Ohlédnutí za IDETem

Naše prokognitivní svítidla Spectrasol jsme měli šanci prezentovat během veletrhu IDET v rámci...

15.10.2021 | 6 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Přednáška v HiLASE Centre

Děkujeme HiLASE Centre za možnost přednášet. V tomto high-tech centru zabývajícím se výzkumem na...

07.10.2021 | 2 minutes of reading | Spectrasol


Jak se bránit modrému světlu aneb Hynek Medřický u Jirky Krále

Vědec Hynek Medřický byl hostem v pořadu Buď safe online u Jirky Krále....

06.10.2021 | 1 minute of reading | Spectrasol

Top articles

Legatica: 6 floors of procognitive light

The first tenants have recently moved into the new Legatica office building, which is part...

From Healthcare: VFN has the most advanced circadian lighting in the world

Our unique biodynamic lighting installed at the General University Hospital in Prague has caught the...

Review Journal: Procognitive lighting in the defence and security sectors? Absolutely!

Do your eyes sometimes hurt at work,do you feel a sense of light deprivation, tired...

Spectrasol + SilentLab = heaven on earth

If you’ve ever worked in an open plan office or co-working space, you know that...

Prague welcomed the icons of chronobiology, and Spectrasol was there.

Last week, the most significant conference in the field of chronobiology took place in Prague,...

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